
Wang, Y., Harris, P. L., Pei, M., & Su, Y. (2022). Do bad people deserve empathy? Selective empathy based on targets’ moral characteristics. Affective Science. [accessible here]

Wang, Y., Shang, S., Xie, W., Hong, S., Liu, Z., & Su, Y. (2022). The relation between aggression and theory of mind in children: A meta-analysis. Developmental Science, e13310. [accessible here]

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2022). Genetic contributions to East Asian morality. In R. Nichols (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook on morality, emotion, and cognition in China (pp. 80-100). Routledge. [accessible here]

Wang, Y., Hong, S., Pei, M., Wang, X., & Su, Y. (2021). Emotion matters in early polite lies: Preschoolers’ polite lie-telling in relation to cognitive and emotion-related abilities. Social Development, 1–17. [accessible here]

Lucca, K., Capelier-Mourguy, A., Cirelli, L., Byers-Heinlein, K., Dal Ben, R., Frank, M. C., ... & Hamlin, J., K. (accepted in-principle 2021, Developmental Science). Infants’ social evaluation of helpers and hinderers: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study. [accessible here]

Zhu, X., Wang, Y., Su, Y., Zeng, X., Yan, Z. (2021). The study of children's empathy and its measurement tools: Retrospect and prospect. Psychology: Techniques and Applications [in Chinese], 9(10), 619-628. [accessible here]

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2020). Evolution or degeneration: The cultural generality and variation of children’s over-imitation. Psychological Development and Education [in Chinese], 36(5), 624-632. [accessible here]

Wang, Y. (2016). How time goes by: Ways to avoid the waste of time on electronics. In F. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of Internet Use for Teenagers [in Chinese] (pp. 143-162). Xinhua Press.


PUBLICATIONS UNDER REVIEW                                              

Wang, Y., Zhou, W., Zhu, J., & Su, Y. (under review). Children direct less empathy toward antisocial targets than prosocial targets.


PUBLICATIONS IN PREPARATION (*shared first-authorship)           

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (in preparation). You deserve it! The development of selective empathy based on targets’ moral characteristics.

Wang, Y.*, Wang, X.*, & Su, Y. (in preparation). Who owns the snacks? The influence of ownership on third-party interventions to unequal distribution in children and adolescents.

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (in preparation). The neural processing of misfortunes and fortunes of prosocial and antisocial targets in children.



Wang, Y., Şen, H., Hamlin, J., K., Yuen, F., Lucca, K., & the ManyBabies Consortium (2022, October). ManyBabies4: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study of infants’ social evaluation. Talk presented at the 2022 Big Team Science Conference. [accessible here]

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2022, July). Chinese morality, human morality: Perspectives from genetics, history, and ecocultural change. Talk presented at the 26th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Wang, C., Cong, M., Yu, G., Wang, Y., Su, Y., & Zhu, L. (2021, September). Adolescent neurocognitive development of communicative reasoning: The regulating role of the central executive network underlying online mentalization. Talk presented at the 5th International Conference of Human Brain Development.

Wang, Y., Hong S., Pei, M., & Su, Y. (2021, July). The relation between children’s theory of mind and aggression: A meta-analysis. Talk presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2021, March). Morally selective empathy: Children show less empathy toward antisocial puppets than prosocial puppets. Talk presented at the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development.

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2020, December). Genetic contributions to East Asian moral judgment and behavior. Paper presented at the workshop of “Understanding China’s Changing Moral Psychology” Project, Hong Kong, China.


CONFERENCE POSTER PRESENTATIONS (*shared first-authorship)      

Wang, Y.*, Şen, H.*, Hamlin, J., K., Yuen, F., Lucca, K, & the ManyBabies Consortium (2023, January). Individual differences in infants’ social evaluations across cultures: A spin-off project of ManyBabies4. Poster to be presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

Wang, Y., Zhu, J., & Su, Y. (2022, February). Do bad people deserve empathy? Children’s and adults’ empathic responses and helping tendency toward antisocial and neutral characters. Poster presented at the Pre-conference (the Origins of Social Minds) of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2021, April). Children’s understanding of the relation between reminder and emotion across countries: A cross-cultural meta-analysis. Poster presented at the Max Planck Spring School for the Study of Culture and Mind.

Wang, Y., Hong, S., Pei, M., & Su, Y. (2021, March). Emotion matters in early polite lies: Preschoolers’ polite lie-telling in relation to cognitive and emotion-related abilities. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development.

Wang, Y., & Su, Y. (2019, March). Affective empathy moderates the relation between theory of mind and preschoolers’ social behavior. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.